Mar 11, 2015
It is inevitable that you will encounter large trucks on the road, especially tractor-trailers, which are needed to help distribute many of the products you use on a daily basis. What is not needed are the serious crashes that occur when the drivers of these tractor-trailers are not following the rules and regulations in place to ensure everyone’s safety.
According to reports, there area approximately two miliion – i.e., 2,000,000 – tractor-traliers (a/k/a big rigs) on our nation’s roadways with over 100,000 of them being involved in crashes. (Click here for more details on trucking statistics.) While those numbers might not appear like much, it is to the family that have had to, and will in the future, endure these crashes. Mistakes by these tractor-trailer drivers coupled with the following have been the driving force to these crashes:
Drugs (whether prescription or illegal);
Being distracted (such as texting while driving);
Speeding (whether above the speed limit or too fast for certain road conditions like rain/fog);
Not enough sleep or breaks (fatigue);
Careless or aggressive driving;
Not knowing exactly where they are heading (such as being lost);
Improperly avoiding things ahead (such as road debris);
Not using turning signals (warning other drivers);
Over-the-counter stimulants; and
Not properly observing surroundings (such as nearby automobiles; blind spots).
Federal Statistics contributed to this list, which is neither non-exhaustive nor in any order of hierarchy. Be mindful of these potential dangers because a tractor-trailer being less maneuverable does not help make them any safer.
You can click here for more details provided by Larry Bodine, Editor in Chief,