Mar 23, 2023
Med Pay Coverage
What Is Med Pay Benefits – Med Pay Claims & Check
Med Pay Coverage
The term “med pay” is often used to describe medical payment coverage offered with auto insurance policies. You can buy primary or secondary coverage, and you can find a range of policies. If your health insurance doesn’t cover all your medical bills, though, this can be critical for accident victims.
When would your regular health insurance fail to cover all your bills? High copays and delays in coverage can both affect your regular medical coverage. This can also become an issue when the other party was at fault, but they don’t have insurance. It can also apply when there’s a dispute in liability.
When do you need a lawyer who specializes in med pay claims in Miami?
Are Your Needs Covered by Med Pay?
Med pay comes with some natural restrictions no matter how the accident happened. For example, it’s first-party coverage only. It only covers the insured party. So if you haven’t purchased your own policy, you won’t be eligible for the other party’s coverage. If you were a passenger or someone authorized by the driver to use the car, it would also cover your medical costs.
How does med pay work? It’s a supplemental health insurance policy attached to your auto insurance. It’s as simple as checking a box. Some people don’t even know they have it until they’re talking to lawyers who specialize in med pay. Often, they already have repair and medical bills piling up. Their health insurance company may not be covering as much as they expected. Sometimes, their auto insurance company refuses to pay for hospital bills.
Before your accident, insurance companies offer two types of med pay: primary and secondary coverage. How do these two types of med pay work?
What’s the Difference between Primary and Secondary Med Pay Coverage?
Primary coverage generally costs more. You also get more coverage should you need it. If you’re involved in insurance disputes, attorneys gather your medical bills and submit them. We help you ensure your auto insurance policy is paid up to the coverage amount.
Secondary coverage is more affordable. You can only buy this type if you already have existing health insurance. It acts as a secondary policy to your standard health insurance policy. Secondary insurance is designed to pay your deductible, copays, etc. Of course, this only includes injuries and bills associated with the accident.
Assess Coverage Limits with a Lawyer Who Specializes in Insurance Disputes
Just like other policies, your coverage with med pay isn’t unlimited. You decide how much coverage you want to pay for. Then, your insurance company covers the amount you previously agreed to. The maximum coverage is generally around $5000. Most accident victims won’t need more than this amount.
What if you already have more extensive medical bills piling up? Sometimes, we anticipate much higher medical bills. For example, when you’re seriously injured, you may end up in the hospital for a few days. Then you can count on time in physical therapy or rehab.
Especially if it was caused by negligence, auto accident attorneys in Miami can pursue the proper coverage. This could include insurance disputes with your insurance company. It could also involve pursuing other drivers who caused your injuries through their negligence.
Can I Cash Out with Lawyers who Specialize in Insurance Disputes?
The Florida Injury Lawyers can help you build a solid case if you need to file an insurance dispute. We can also help you if you’re just unsure of where you stand. Many of our clients just want to make sure they’re getting everything they paid for.
Especially if it fits within the standard maximum, some just want to get it over with. Unfortunately, you need documentation of your costs. Sometimes, insurance companies offer one-time payouts on medical bills. Most people hear about this option from patients with cancer or other chronic conditions. It doesn’t typically balance out in the patient’s favor, though.
With med pay, they consider out of pocket costs, the type of insurance, and more. No matter your costs, always let lawyers who specialize in auto accidents and med pay help you. We want to make sure you’re always treated fairly.